There is no better way to get potential customers on your site or gain existing customer’s attention than having a blog on your website. Regardless if you have a global company or a small business here are ten reasons why your website should have a blog.

  1. Increase your SEO performance

SEO is the most important reason you should have a blog. SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is the unpaid traffic to the website. High SEO results are created on fresh content and keywords. To keep it simple, the new content added to the website draws more customers to the website. Search engines will not pull content that is old and out of date when users are searching.

  1. Drive traffic to your website

Your top goal with your website is to have good SEO results. A blog provides customers with consistent content and a reason to go to the website. Your blog could be utilized as a marketing strategy to get potential customers on your site by choosing blog topics relevant to your audience. You could also take it a step further by linking your social media platforms to your blog site. By linking your social media platforms that gives customers a way to stay updated.

  1. Build relationships with potential and existing customers

Ensuring you have a comment section on your blog is vital. This makes your blog strong by allowing a conversation with potential and existing customers. Having an interactive blog creates a free space for feedback, concerns, and opinions. Promoting customer engagement in the comment area will result in building customer rapport.

  1. Enhances your social media appearance

As stated in number two, your blog should be linked to your social media platforms. Having your blog linked not only gains more content on those platforms but also allows existing customers to share the blog post on their individual platforms, resulting in new followers or new traffic to your website and even your social media platforms.

  1. Boost longevity data

Knowing your websites data is important because you want to stay on top of topics that brings the most customers to read your blog and knowing the perfect time/days to release your blog. Keeping up with your sites data will help you learn your customers and will make it easier for you to understand what and when to post.

  1. Humanizes your brand

Existing customers have already seen your companies’ culture from your social media platforms, with a blog it gives customers a chance to get to know your company on a more personal level. Have fun with your brand by allowing an open door where customers feel comfortable with commenting on your blog and communicating with the company.

  1. Builds your email database

Do you want a solid marketing approach? Email marketing is the perfect tool to do so. It is not always easy to get customers to sign up and subscribe. But if people find your blog content appealing, relevant, and helpful most likely they will assume your email newsletter is as well. Include internal links in your blogs, making it easier for the customers to access it.

  1. More networking opportunities

By having an informative blog, you can introduce some valuable networking opportunities. In person events can be time consuming for some and with Coronavirus numbers rising it is hard to have people show up for networking events. Blogging allows you to network in a time-effective way while also being cost-effective.

  1. Free PR

With networking, brings PR also known as public relations. A good PR objective would be to enhance your websites traffic and image. Public Relations is the most productive way to assemble a solid marketing strategy and create a notable reputation for your blog. Spreading relevant information in your blog increases your SEO, which influences traffic, resulting in free PR.

  1. Let your business’ personality shine

Yes, we want to stay as professional as possible but when communicating with your audience on        your blog you want to be honest and show off your companies’ culture. This allows your audience to see how you differ from competitors. Keep in mind you want your personality to reflect your companies’ culture and keep that same personality for your social media platforms.

As you can see blogging is a particularly important aspect of your website. Businesses spend a lot of time and resources when building a website. Having a blog is crucial when getting the most out of your website. Consider a blog to take your website to the next level!

Need more tips with your online marketing? Check out our blog or reach out to us!


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Desteny Tutt
Desteny is an Account Coordinator at Farshore. She recently graduated from Georgia Gwinnett College with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing. When she's not working you will probably see her at a poetry spot reciting poetry or in the kitchen baking.

    1 Comment

    1. Very well written. I agree, without a blog it is difficult to generate prominent traffic to your website. Your website gets ranked higher on google.

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