Entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey often look towards mentors or advisors for perspective on how to grow their business. Experience plays a key role in the entrepreneurial journey, as oftentimes founders can only afford to make so many mistakes. In an attempt to bridge this gap for founders, FarShore’s CEO, JC Garrett, recently teamed up with a friend, venture capitalist, and fellow mentor Brett Trainor in their new YouTube Series, Mentor Musings. As described in their introductory episode, the two advisors have a myriad of experiences coaching, educating, and learning from startups every single day – meeting upwards of a dozen new startups a week.

Both quickly realized their distinctive way of advising emphasizes the importance of guiding entrepreneurs to stick to the fundamentals and think about growth differently. Whether it’s talking about business development, the role technology should play in your venture, or effective fundraising techniques – they created Mentor Musings as a way to share the uncommon approaches they take to different startup challenges. The channel is simply put by JC: “A scalable way to share this great conversation happening between two really busy and unique startup mentors.”

Their focus is on all stages of the entrepreneurial journey, and even aimed to help other mentors think through different topics. Mentor Musings is interested in cultivating a personal experience, providing an open line of communication for any suggestions, questions, etc. New episodes can be found on their channel every Friday – their first episode on the importance of being self-funded has already dropped and can be found here.

So, if you’re looking for advice, experience, or just a good story, make sure to subscribe to their channel and follow along! Or, if you’re looking for a more personalized strategic partnership— reach out to our team at FarShore/Dashfire and we’ll see how we can help.

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Katie Riek
Katie is a Partner Outreach Analyst at FarShore, spending most of her time on virtual events networking with entrepreneurs or watching startup pitches. She graduated from Villanova University with degrees in English and Communication, and is currently studying for her MBA from DePaul University. When she’s not connecting with people in the startup community (or studying!) she enjoys reading, cycling, and baking!

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