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Stuck on what to get mom this Sunday? I was too, until I found out about this..


In developing countries, 800 women die each day from pregnancy and childbirth because they can’t afford skilled medical care and a safe environment. Fortunately, this can be easily prevented., an innovative new crowdfunding site, has identified local non-profit hospitals and clinics in developing countries that offer the life-saving medical care that mama’s and their newborns need.


Casey Santiago created Kangu after having a safe delivery and healthy baby. “I couldn’t shake what I knew: that more than a quarter of a million women die each year because they lack access to the prenatal care and childbirth services that I had just received.”


For as little as $10, you’ll be able help a pregnant woman in need by giving her and her newborn access to clean, well-lit facilities and a caring, skilled staff. “This amount may seem low to some of us,” Casey says “but it is prohibitive to the over 2 billion women who shelter, feed and clothe their family on less than $2 a day.”


Through Kangu, you can search for stories and photos of these expecting mothers, choose a recipient, and contribute to healthy delivery and post-natal care. In turn, Kangu will send the recipient a Mother’s Day card with your message, letting her know of your gift and the mom-to-be will be funded in her honor.


After the fact, Kangu will send you updates on the mama you funded and her baby, and you can connect with other who have funded the same mama.


The Dashfire/Farshore team has created a team to fund Padma, a 20 year old woman from Nepal. Padma is first-time mother-to-be who’s extremely excited and happy about her first pregnancy. Padma plans to deliver at Bayalpata Hospital, and will travel via jeep or ambulance there. Her baby is due on September 2nd.


Forget the flowers, candles and picture frames.. #givemotherhood!

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